When running the workout can give trouble for body
Addiction to doing exercise may seem or look ridiculous, because usually the use of the word addiction leads to clearly bad things
However, exercise addiction is actually a thing that can happen. Athletes can also feel a “high” after exercise, which is triggered by the release of happiness hormones like dopamine and endorphins, which have a mood-altering effect.
As in any addiction, the word 'happy' is important for addiction, but the development of addiction also depends on many external factors. exercise addiction is not taken seriously by everyone, but it can be dangerous. Check out the explanation here!
exercise addicts have many of the same symptoms as other types of addicts. But in exercise addiction, the addict makes exercise his biggest obsession, so he doesn't have time to rest.
Heart attacks and osteoporosis are often experienced by exercise addicts. However, this is not only a matter of physical damage, exercise addicts can also be affected psychologically, when they are so dependent on exercise.
Sometimes physically he is social, but mentally he is often thinking about the next training session.
The physical impact, for example, is that many ballet dancers have their legs damaged, as well as professional boxers who suffer brain damage from repeated matches, as well as athletes, footballers and rugby players who suffer serious injuries during high-level training.
exercise addiction is not always easy to diagnose. Most addicts don't see anything wrong with their behavior, so they don't seek medical attention. The condition is also not a recognized diagnosis by the APA, meaning no specific diagnostic criteria are used in its diagnosis.
An increased obsession with fitness and decreased social activity usually indicate exercise addiction.
exercise addicts often switch to new forms of exercise or cut back on their current workouts. Sometimes an exercise addict may need to stop exercising for a while in order to control his urge to exercise.
Limit exercise time and number of daily exercises. Take a break from exercise at least twice a week to allow your body to rest and recover. If you are obsessed with exercise, talk to your doctor about your situation and how it can be managed.