
Showing posts from August, 2018

Burn more fat with plyometric exercise

When exercising at a fitness center, have you seen some people who exercise while jumping up and down boxes? Or you might see it throw and catch the ball while moving actively? Well, this workout is called plyometric exercise. Actually, what is plyometric training and what are the benefits? find out more in the following article. Simply put, plyometric training is a type of exercise that requires you to jump or move actively. This exercise can be done without or with a tool, for example jumping on a box to box, jumping rope, squatting while holding a ball, and so on. Because plyometrics is dominated by repeated jumping movements, your body will rely a lot on leg strength. This movement is useful for increasing the stretch reflex on your feet. Every time you land from a jump, the thigh muscles will stretch and then contract again for the next jump. As a result, the second jump and so on will be much higher and stronger. What are the benefits of plyometric training? Plyom...

Tips for improving your push ups for the muscle!

Want to have strong, ideal-shaped muscles ? You can try doing push-ups on a regular basis. When push-ups there are 3 parts of muscles involved, shoulder muscles, chest, and triceps (back muscles of the upper arm). Of course, to get optimal results you must continue to hone your push up skills every day. Maybe when you start training, you can only do 10 push-ups, but for the next exercise you have to be able to count more than that. Then how do you add the ability to push up right from time to time? Do the right push up technique Before you target to increase the ability to push up, make sure first that you have done the right push up technique. If you are not sure, focus on practicing push-up techniques first. Slowly do it without a rush. Feel how the movement should go. Not using the right technique will risk causing injury to some parts of the body's muscles. After you have been able to do the correct push-ups, then find out how many repetitions you can each set ho...

The fruits that can improve your exercise result

Not only designing the routine exercise schedule that is needed, you also have to choose and manage the right foods so that your exercise is optimal. Choosing the right foods before exercise is important so that you have full energy and maximize the formation of fat-burning to build muscles. Then, what kind of fruits before exercise is good for consumption? When exercising, the body needs extra energy. When you exercise on an empty stomach, you will run out of energy, feel nauseous, and get dizzy. This condition makes you lose focus and drive to continue the exercise. As a result, exercise results that should be maximal actually show the opposite result. Well, if you want satisfying results, the energy in the body must be fulfilled. We recommend that you choose fruits that are good and right to exercise in order to improve your performance in exercise. Mango Mango fruit provides 59.8 calories for 100 grams. This fruit is very suitable to increase the energy needed by the ...

The signs when you choose the wrong exercise

There is no doubt that exercise have a variety of positive benefits to support the fitness of body. However, it is important to know whether the type of exercise is in accordance with your abilities and needs. Anyway, what are the signs if the type of exercise you choose is not suitable so it doesn't need to be continued? Here's the explanations. Often get you injured Have done various types of exercise many times, but many times you have always been injured? Maybe the exercise doesn't match your body's abilities. According to Jessica Metthews, an assistant sports science lecturer at Miramar College San Diego, one of the causes of dislocation, injury and other injuries that occur when exercising, because you are pushing yourself too much during training. The ability of each person is different. Some are adept at maintaining balance, some are usually exercising muscles, and others. So if when you exercise back and forth injury, you should look for alternative worko...

Keeping the fit body for men over their 40s

As you get older, your body will age hence it can gradually impact your physical fitness. Aging makes the body's muscle mass begin to shrink by three to five percent every 10 years since you are 30 years old. The lost muscle is then replaced with fat which raises various health problems. In addition, increasing fat deposits also affect body balance and joint strength. Stiff muscles and joints will make you more difficult to move. Plus, the body's metabolism also begins to decline with age so that your weight rises more easily. But don't worry about this aging process. Body fitness of men at the age of 40 years and above can be maintained with various tips below, so that you can maintain fit body. Aging cannot be prevented, but can be slowed and minimized by applying the right lifestyle. Here are a variety of ways to maintain the fitness of a man in his 40s that you can practice everyday: Start by practicing flexibility and balance Dr. Vonda Wright, an orthopedic surge...

Burning the fat while building the muscle!

Forming an ideal body is a long journey that is not as easy as thought. On the one hand, you have to exercise and be  discipline regularly to help get rid of fat because fewer calories are consumed. But doing both of them is not merely result of muscle. To be able to build muscle , all you need to do is the opposite: Eat more and reduce physical activity outside your exercise schedule. So, how to deal with two contradictory things but must be done together like this? Here are the tips. Focus on strength training Weight lifting is an ideal type of exercise to form and enlarge muscle mass. But in fact, the results of muscle building will be more effective if you are just starting to lift weights as your exercise plan this time - or for those of you who just take a break from strength training. This is because your body is not used to the process of muscle formation from lifting weights, so that the new muscles are still easily formed. It's a different story if you have alwa...

The important steps to build muscle for men

For most men, having a muscular body is a pride. In addition to implying a healthy body, muscles also increase a man's confidence. Therefore, many men find out various ways to build muscle that are correct, effective, and only need a short time. However, Doug Kalman, R.D ., director of nutrition at the Miami Research Center stated that you can't get muscle mass just eat and exercise carelessly. The following are various ways to build muscle that you can practice at home: Maximizing protein consumption Protein is one of the important ingredients for building muscle. But unfortunately, not all proteins you eat will be used to build muscle. The body also needs protein for other things such as producing hormones. So, you must maximize your daily protein intake if you want to build muscle quickly. The reason is, building and storing new proteins is much faster than the process of having to break down old proteins. In addition, try not to reduce your calorie intake every ...

About tabata training and its benefit for body

Tabata exercise is a type of physical activity introduced by Dr. Izumi Tabata, a Japanese scientist from the National Institute of Fitness and Sport in Kagoshima. Tabata is an improvised version of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) exercise to improve fitness and performance, which usually combines a variety of cardio, strength training, and so on at one time. What are the benefits of Tabata training? Various benefits of tabata training Here are the various benefits of Tabata training that you should not miss: 1. Efficient If most training can generally take up to 30-60 minutes, tabata exercise only takes 4 minutes of the total 24 hours you have in a day. Efficient, right? Especially for you who are super busy and don't have time to go to the gym. However, doing tabata has rules. Tabata is generally divided into 8 sets for 4 minutes. A set lasts for 30 seconds, which consists of 20 seconds of high intensity exercise and a 10 second break. After the break, immed...

Various mistakes by some people when using treadmill?

For those of you who exercise routinely such as running or walking, of course you become lazy when the weather is bad outside. You don't need to worry, you can still use a treadmill at home or go to a gym. However, don't let you make a variety of mistakes using the following treadmill. The problem is not to make the body healthy, just exercise with a treadmill without being careful can make the body hurt and even injured. Treadmill is a fitness equipment that is used to run or walk without moving places. This equipment is equipped with speed features, measuring heart rate, distance traveled, and the number of calories burned. Although it makes it easier for a person to exercise, the fact is that many people are actually wrong when using a treadmill. So, the risk of injury while exercising with this is also still common. Well, so you avoid injury, you should avoid a variety of wrong habits when you use a treadmill, such as: Not warming up Warming up is an importan...