
Showing posts from September, 2018

The wrong diet habits you should know

Many people doing diet in hopes of getting a more ideal body shape. Unfortunately, a lack of knowledge about the right and recommended diet makes many people go on the wrong diet . The wrong diet will not bring results and benefits. On the contrary, you can be exposed to hazards that might be unexpected. The wrong dietary habits Here are wrong dietary habits that often occur and you should avoid them. Skipping breakfast Skipping breakfast is not the recommended diet method. The reason is, this makes you can actually eat more with a large portion during the day. In addition, skipping breakfast can also reduce mood and increase the risk of obesity. The balance of sugar and insulin in the body will also be disrupted so that the body always feels hungry. Ignoring calories from drinks Did you know that fast food drinks contain high enough calories. In fact, a drink labeled "fruit juice" can also contain very high calories and sugar so that it can increase daily calo...

Recommended weight training for gaining ideal body weight

If you want to gain weight, it doesn't mean you don't exercise at all. Instead, gaining weight with exercise is the best way. One of the most effective exercises to gain weight is weight training. However, you should not be careless. There are a number of movements and weight lifting techniques that are suitable for you who crave ideal body shape. Types of weight training for weight gain To gain weight, you need to increase body mass. Well, weight training can replace fat mass with muscle mass. Increasing weight with muscle mass is healthier than increasing weight with fat mass. Easy or not to increase in muscle mass depends on each person's body shape. People who have large bone structures or are easier to build muscle than those with long bones. So to get optimal results for each body shape, weight training must be done regularly. Reporting from Ace Fitness, according to Pete McCall, MS, CSCS, there are some weight lifting exercises that are recommended to inc...

The important preparation before you do Strength training for muscle

Maintaining the strength of bones and muscles is the main thing to do with muscle strength training. You can choose endurance training, weight lifting, running, or pylometrics . However, before doing this type of exercise , you need to prepare several things. Applying a healthy lifestyle makes you live longer because it reduces the risk of various chronic diseases. One of them is by doing muscle strength training. If you have plans to do this exercise the first time, remember these four important things: Consult to a doctor first Consulting a doctor is very important before you start any exercise activity. Especially if you have an illness. For example, if you have rheumatic disease but want to exercise weight training, you need direction from a doctor regarding this exercise plan. While for those of you who are healthy, medical examinations can certainly help detect medical problems that are very large, the risk you have later on. This avoids you from strenuous physical e...