The important preparation before you do Strength training for muscle

Maintaining the strength of bones and muscles is the main thing to do with muscle strength training. You can choose endurance training, weight lifting, running, or pylometrics. However, before doing this type of exercise, you need to prepare several things.

Applying a healthy lifestyle makes you live longer because it reduces the risk of various chronic diseases. One of them is by doing muscle strength training. If you have plans to do this exercise the first time, remember these four important things:

Consult to a doctor first

Consulting a doctor is very important before you start any exercise activity. Especially if you have an illness. For example, if you have rheumatic disease but want to exercise weight training, you need direction from a doctor regarding this exercise plan.

While for those of you who are healthy, medical examinations can certainly help detect medical problems that are very large, the risk you have later on.

This avoids you from strenuous physical exercise that causes injury and can determine the type of strength training that is best and in accordance with the health of your body. In addition, the doctor will also help you to create an exercise schedule that suits your abilities.

Choose the appropriate shoes and clothes

Not only strength training, any type of exercise should you consider which shoes and clothes you should use. Sports shoes that are not suitable, too narrow, or worn down can cause injury during exercise.

While clothes that are too narrow can also limit your body to follow some exercise movements. Choose clothing material that can absorb sweat well and don't forget to bring a small towel to wipe sweat.

Prepare your energy before exercise

Exercise will burn a lot of energy in your body, especially for strength training. However, this depends on your goal of doing strength training. If exercise is used to lose weight, you may not eat before exercise. However, exercise should only be done within one hour.

More than that time, the body will be weak and certainly won't last long for exercise. Of course the results of exercise will not be optimal according to your wishes.

If you prioritize exercise performance, you can enjoy several pre exercise foods such as yogurt, oatmeal, wholemeal bread, sweet potatoes, or quinoa. Also prepare juice from fruit and vegetables to drink. Don't forget to keep your body hydrated by drinking water.

Do a warming up exercise

warming up is an important part of muscle strength training. Warm-up training so preparation for muscles performs various movements and increases range of motion so that it can reduce the risk of injury and encourage you to train harder.

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